Brannan NS 275ft W/O 5th St F/E - 2 Media

Brannan NS 275ft W/O 5th St F/E - 2

San Francisco, 94107

About This Location

(B - Bottom Display) This east facing premiere square shows to traffic in the popular South Beach Marina in the South of Market District of downtown San Francisco. This is a primary commuter route for afternoon traffic heading toward the Bay Bridge and the entertainment area of SOMA. The South Beach Marina area has in recent years experienced phenomenal growth in the construction of upscale residential dwellings in heightened retail and economic expansion.

Inventory ID 64696

Media type : Stacked Premiere Panel

Listed Available : Sep 11, 2024

Market : San Francisco SF

Weekly impressions: 89,250

Price*: Call (866) 499-3334

Minimum term : 4 Weeks

Facing : East

Read : Right

Panel Size : 12'3" x 24'6"

Illuminated : Yes

* Alluvit Estimate. Rates vary based on market factors.

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A to Z Service

FREE Creative: In-house creative design team available upon request at no additional cost. We also have spec sheets and templates available for all boards.

Production: A one-time production cost of $2.75 per sq. ft applies to all static boards unless otherwise noted. Production time is approximately two weeks from approval of final design proof.

Proof of Performance: Once your campaign goes live, we will send you a glam photo of your board for sharing on social media, your company website, etc.