The History Behind Iconic Billboards

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Blue leaf award circling an orange billboard

Billboards have been around for a long time. But the ones we recognize today only started appearing around the 1830s, and it wasn’t until the invention of cars and highways that they really began taking off.

The history of billboards is winding and almost dizzying since they’ve quickly grown from simple roadside signs to breathtaking backdrops in places like Times Square. Some out-of-home (OOH) ad campaigns have even become so iconic that they’ve left a lasting mark on pop culture—think Chick-fil-A’s mischievous cows or that unmissable vibrant red glow from Coca-Cola. 

But how did they start? And how did we go from hand-painted posters in the 19th century to digital displays?

To understand how they got so popular, let’s first take a look at how billboards came to be.

How Billboards Got Their Start

Before billboards, advertising was a completely different ballgame than it is today. Businesses heavily relied on word of mouth, hand-painted signs, and hand-printed posters that would have to be glued to walls or fences—methods that were not only expensive but also incredibly time-consuming. Some ads took long hours, or even days, to paint by hand.

Fortunately, this slowly changed over the years.

The first real billboard boom is considered to have emerged in the 1830s, when large, colorful posters were used to promote traveling circus acts like Barnum & Bailey. Printer Jared Bell brought these ads to life, designing them to capture attention with bold text and striking imagery. While these weren’t exactly the giant, towering billboards we see today, they were some of the first popular billboards designed to reach a mass audience. 

These posters highlighted unique features for each of their upcoming shows, giving spectators a glimpse of the thrilling performances to come—from talented acrobats soaring through the air to exotic animals from distant lands.

Ringling bros circus billboard

By the 1860s, businesses began realizing that they could mimic this approach on a larger scale, specifically by buying space dedicated to billboard advertising. This eventually led to the formation of billboard associations, including the International Bill Posters’ Association, now known as the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA). At the turn of the 20th century, a standardized billboard structure was in place and ready to begin laying the foundation for the industry’s rapid growth.

This set the stage for billboards to command the field of advertising, but they still needed one final push to explode in popularity.

The Rise of Highway Billboards

Then came the automobile.

When Henry Ford rolled out the Model T in 1908, everything changed. America shifted from a nation of pedestrians and train passengers to one dominated by cars. Suddenly, people were traveling longer distances and spending a lot more time on the road. 

Advertisers were then presented with a golden opportunity: why not use billboards to capture these drivers’ attention?

National brands quickly caught on to the power of billboard advertising, and by the 1920s, companies like Coca-Cola and Palmolive were using billboards to launch large-scale marketing campaigns. Once the U.S. Interstate Highway System added over 40,000 miles of roads, cross-country travel became more accessible than ever. 

Red outdoor billboard with enjoy coca cola

Restaurants, motels, and gas stations lined highways with billboards to make sure that if you were traveling, you knew exactly where to stop.

The Highway Beautification Act

By the 1960s, billboards were everywhere, but not everyone was thrilled about it.

Critics argued that the growing number of roadside ads were turning scenic drives into cluttered commercial corridors, blocking views and overwhelming the countryside.

As a result, the First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson, took notice. She pushed for stronger regulations on outdoor advertising, advocating for a balance between business interests and preserving the beauty of America’s highways. Her efforts directly led to the passage of the Highway Beautification Act of 1965, which was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The law set restrictions on billboard size, spacing, and placement along major roads to curb excessive advertising.

Naturally, advertisers were concerned that billboard advertising was finished. 

Instead, it forced them to be more strategic and creative. Rather than relying on sheer volume, brands had to make each billboard count more, which led to bolder designs, more memorable slogans, and smarter placement. The best ones weren’t just ads anymore either—they became landmarks, even if for a few months.

4 of the Most Famous Billboards

Several billboards have become iconic in different regions across the United States. Over time, a few have stood out for their creativity, impact, and staying power. Take a look at four of the most famous billboards to ever hit the spotlight:

One Times Square

One Times Square is a unique advertising landmark, to say the least. Towering over 363 feet tall in the heart of New York City, it’s covered in massive digital billboards that showcase ads from some of the biggest brands—all in one of the busiest locations on the planet.

Times square in NYC with billboards

Originally built in 1904 as The New York Times headquarters, the building didn’t stay a publishing hub for long. Just a few years later, the newspaper relocated, and One Times Square gradually became more valuable as an advertising space than an office building. 

Today, companies pay millions of dollars each year just for the chance to appear on one of its giant LED screens.

Most people recognize One Times Square as the site of the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop, but the building has helped redefine what billboards can be. One of the most famous ads ever displayed at One Times Square was the steaming Nissin Cup Noodles sign, which was positioned at the top of the building. 

It lasted from 1996 to 2006, and was an ad so bold and clever that it became an instant icon. The ad also became an example of how advertisers could leverage the space to not just sell a product but create a statement.

Three digital billboards stacked outdoors

The Marlboro Man

Some billboards sell products. Others build a brand. And then there’s the Marlboro Man.

In 1954, Marlboro needed a new image. The company originally marketed to women with the slogan “Mild as May,” and since filtered cigarettes were seen as soft and feminine, this didn’t exactly appear rugged.

To shift that image, ad executive Leo Burnett introduced a new face: the Marlboro Man.

Marlboro man static billboard outdoors

A cigarette-smoking cowboy, alone against a wide-open terrain, with no slogan needed. It worked—fast.

Within a year, Marlboro’s sales took off, jumping from holding just 1% of the market to becoming the fourth best-selling brand in America. Smoking started becoming synonymous with freedom, masculinity, and grit.

Chick-fil-A’s “Eat Mor Chikin”

It’s hard to talk about iconic billboards without mentioning Chick-fil-A’s amusing cows.

Launched in 1995, the “Eat Mor Chikin” campaign became one of the most recognizable billboard advertisements of all time. The concept was simple: a group of cows, desperate to avoid becoming burgers, took it upon themselves to promote chicken instead. Armed with brushes and a rather questionable grasp of spelling, the cows “painted” the billboards themselves, urging everyone with unique phrases such as “Eat Mor Chikin” to avoid beef.

Chickfila billboard reads Eat Mor Chikin with cow painting sign

This campaign was so unique and engaging that it ran for over two decades—one of the longest-running billboard campaigns in history.

The McDonald’s Cracking Breakfast Egg

In July 2008, McDonald’s and Leo Burnett Chicago unveiled a billboard that turned heads by doing… almost nothing. It was just a giant, photo-realistic egg sitting in front of a local McDonald’s outside of Wrigley Field. No slogan. No logo. No flashy call to action. Just a giant egg, 21 feet wide by 14 feet tall.

But it wasn’t just for show—it moved.=

McDonald egg billboard shown intact above then cracked below

Each morning, the egg would slowly crack open, revealing a yolk with a simple message: “Fresh Eggs Daily.” From 6 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., the egg stayed open, perfectly synced with McDonald’s breakfast hours. Once breakfast was over, the shell closed back up, resetting for the next day.

It was subtle, smart, and confident. If anything, the piece proved that ads didn’t need to be flat or paper-based.

What’s Next for Billboard Advertising?

Billboards have come a long way from hand-painted posters, and they’re not done evolving.

In fact, ad spending for digital out-of-home advertising in the United States alone is expected to reach $5.8 billion by 2030. This is largely due to the advancements made by programmatic advertising, which allows brands to deliver smarter, more targeted campaigns that update in real time.

But traditional billboards are still incredibly effective. These static displays continue to grab attention—76% of people who see an OOH ad end up using their phone to learn more about the product featured in the billboard. According to OAAA, this is because OOH ads “organically permeate the path” rather than interrupt consumers.

Both digital and traditional OOH ads still make a serious impact, including more creative forms like wallscapes or street furniture ads, but it always comes down to knowing how to use them. The right strategy, timing, and ideas all play a role in making sure your message actually lands. 

It’s especially helpful if you work with a team that’s a leader in the OOH advertising space.

Put Your Great Ideas On a Billboard

If you’re ready to make an impact with billboard advertising, Alluvit Media can help. 

Whether you’re looking for a classic roadside ad or a dynamic and bold digital display, we’ll bring your vision to life. We’ve partnered with industry leaders such as Chick-fil-A, Pepsi, and Walmart, and we put the same level of care into every campaign we launch.

Need help creating your design? No problem. We offer free, in-house graphic design services, so your message looks just as good as it sounds.

Let’s get your brand out there—contact us today!