Shopping Mall Advertising Guide

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Shopping mall advertising depicted by a two story mall with numerous ad placements filled with orange. Multiple figures are shopping.

These days, we tend to think of shopping malls as a dying breed, but that’s not necessarily the case. In fact, recent data is showing that foot traffic has grown on average compared to pre-pandemic averages. 

Sometimes, shopping online just doesn’t have the same appeal as shopping in-person. That presents an excellent opportunity for hopeful advertisers. Shopping mall advertising gives your brand the chance to get hyperlocal, hyper-contextual, and receive a remarkable impression count.

Booking a mall advertising campaign doesn’t have to be a hassle — especially if you go into the process knowing what to expect. We created this shopping mall advertising guide to help you better understand the advantages and available options.

Here’s what we’ll cover in this guide:

What is Shopping Mall Advertising?

Shopping mall advertising is a form of place-based media that encompasses a range of marketing tactics aimed at engaging shoppers at the mall. This can include digital displays, static posters, floor graphics, elevator wraps, and more. The goal is to create impactful brand experiences that resonate with mall visitors, who are already in a buying mindset.

Malls of all sizes all over the globe have advertising placements. Curious about foot traffic in US malls? Here’s a chart of the busiest malls in the US in 2019.

Horizontal bar chart from Statista depicting the foot traffic in malls in the US.

When you advertise in a mall, your brand has the opportunity to reach and engage a massive audience. No matter who makes up your target audience, you’re bound to get in front of them.

Advantages of Shopping Mall Advertising

High Foot Traffic

As mentioned, one of the primary advantages of shopping mall advertising is the sheer volume of potential customers. Malls attract thousands of visitors daily, providing your brand with a vast and diverse audience.

Targeted Demographics

Malls cater to a variety of demographics, from families and teenagers to working professionals and tourists. This diversity allows you to tailor your advertising to specific target groups effectively. Depending on its location and tier, malls typically draw more affluent customers.

Enhanced Engagement

Shopping mall ads are strategically placed to capture attention. Whether it’s a digital kiosk at the entrance or a vibrant floor graphic in the food court, these ads are designed to stand out and engage shoppers.

Prolonged Exposure

Unlike online ads that can be quickly skipped or ignored, mall ads offer prolonged exposure. Shoppers spend considerable time in malls, increasing the chances of multiple interactions with your advertisements.

Types of Shopping Mall Advertising

When you advertise in a mall, you’re not limited to one type of display. Different malls will offer varying options so it’s important to request an advertising proposal that lists the different options available. Here are a few examples:

  • Digital displays: Versatile and dynamic, offering opportunities for videos, animations, and interactive content.
  • Static posters and banners: Classic advertising tools that remain highly effective.
  • Floor graphics: Eye-catching spots positioned in walkways and resting areas.
  • Elevator and escalator wraps: Catch shoppers as they move between floors.

We’ll show some ad examples at the end of the post.

How to Create Effective Shopping Mall Advertisements

Launching a successful campaign involves more than just choosing a location and throwing up your logo. An effective ad design takes careful consideration. Here are some key elements to creating an effective ad:

Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial. Tailor your messages and visuals to resonate with the specific demographics that frequent the mall. Read more about how to reach your target audience on our blog.

Keep it Simple

Mall advertisements should be easily digestible. Use clear, concise messaging and bold visuals to ensure your ads are quickly understood. It’s also great to be contextual. Use language that might resonate with people in that specific area. Lean into seasonality with holiday references. There are a number of opportunities to be relevant.

High-Quality Visuals

This goes without saying, but it’s important to invest in high-quality graphics and/or videos. Poor-quality visuals can negatively impact your brand’s perception. Whereas a billboard may be high up off the ground and only visible for a short amount of time as people drive by, shopping mall ads are often at or just above eye-level, making it more obvious if your image is grainy.

Strategic Placement

Work with mall management to secure prime advertising spots. High-traffic areas such as entrances, food courts, and main walkways are ideal for maximum exposure. However, there may be other spots that better align with your budget or goals.

Bonus! When you book your campaign with us, you gain access to our in-house design team at no additional cost. Get support from an expert and receive a creative that you’re proud to show off.

How About Some Retail Therapy for Your Brand?

Ready to advertise in a shopping mall? Reach out! We’ve helped advertisers all over the country launch laser-focused ad campaigns. Get in touch and we’ll send you an interactive proposal with placements in your target area. Thinking about launching a campaign in multiple cities? We’ve got you covered.

Examples of Shopping Mall Ads

While the campaigns below aren’t ours, they can give you a better sense of what these ads look like. Imagine your brand here.

Image via flickr
Escalator wrap image via flickr
Mall banner picture via flickr