Bus Advertising Guide: Bus Wraps & More

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Bus advertising depicted by a blue megaphone being held out in front of a large gray bus viewed from the side. A blue panel is along the bus.

It’s great when your target audience comes across your ad in the physical or digital world, but that encounter can be highly dependent on factors out of your control. People go on social media detoxes, they don’t search the exact keywords you’re bidding on, they don’t subscribe to print media, and more. 

Basically, although we try, we can’t always anticipate our audience’s behavior. One way to ensure that your ad reaches your target audience? Put it on wheels!

Bus advertising is an excellent way to increase your brand’s visibility and reach. There are multiple ways to advertise on a bus (or near a bus as with bus shelter advertising), and there are distinct benefits to each. Even more, it might be more cost-effective than you think.

Expand your out-of-home advertising options by adding bus advertising to your consideration. Here’s what we’ll cover in this guide to advertising on buses:

Types of Bus Advertising

Picture the last advertisement you saw on a bus. For some people it may be an ad along the side, for others it may be a display in between the taillights. Or maybe it’s an all-around bus wrap that turns the entire vehicle into a mobile billboard. These are all options. Here are the different types of bus advertising.

Full Bus Wraps

Image of full bus wrap NOT owned by Alluvit Media

A full bus wrap covers the entire surface of the bus with your advertisement. This method transforms the vehicle into a mobile billboard, ensuring maximum visibility and impact. Full bus wraps are highly eye-catching and can turn heads, making them an excellent choice for brand awareness campaigns.

Partial Bus Wraps

Image of partial bus wrap NOT owned by Alluvit Media

Partial bus wraps cover only a portion of the bus, such as the sides or the rear. This option is more cost-effective than a full wrap while still offering significant exposure. Partial wraps can be designed to focus on key areas of the bus to capture attention effectively.

King and Queen Posters

Image of king poster NOT owned by Alluvit Media

King and queen posters are large, rectangular ads placed on the sides of the bus. King posters are located on the street side, while queen posters are on the curbside. These posters are highly visible to pedestrians and drivers alike and can be an effective way to communicate your message.

Tail Light Displays

Image of tail light display NOT owned by Alluvit Media.

Tail light displays are smaller ads placed on the rear of the bus. These ads are particularly effective in traffic, as drivers behind the bus have a clear view. Tail light displays are a cost-effective option and can be used to complement other forms of bus advertising.

Interior Bus Ads

Image of interior bus ads NOT owned by Alluvit Media

Interior bus ads are placed inside the bus, targeting passengers directly. These can include overhead panels, seat backs, and window clings. Interior ads are a great way to engage commuters during their journey and can be used to promote time-sensitive offers or local businesses.

Cost Factors in Bus Advertising

The cost of bus advertising can vary widely based on several factors. Bus advertising prices may seem steep at first, but once you consider the return on investment, it becomes clear why so many advertisers choose it.

Location and Market Size

Advertising costs in larger cities with higher traffic volumes are generally higher than in smaller towns. Advertising on a bus in central Ohio will naturally cost less than advertising on a bus in downtown Atlanta — just as with other advertising forms like billboards. The reach and exposure in metropolitan areas are greater, justifying the higher price.

Duration of the Campaign

The length of time you choose to run your ad campaign will also impact the cost. Longer campaigns typically offer better rates per day but require a larger upfront investment. We generally recommend that advertisers run their campaigns for at least 12 weeks to maximize exposure through all of the bus routes system-wide.

In addition to the length of your campaign, the actual timeline factors into bus advertising prices as well. If you’re advertising during peak tourist season or around the time of a major event, prices will be more inflated.

Type of Ad

Full wraps are the most expensive option due to their size and impact, while interior ads and tail light displays are more affordable. Partial wraps and king/queen posters fall in the middle range. Every market is different so certain areas or bus lines may not offer every type of bus advertisement.

Production and Installation

The cost of producing and installing the bus ad should be factored into your budget. High-quality materials and professional installation ensure that your ad looks great and lasts longer.

Another important thing to note is that sometimes, buses are pulled out from a fleet for whatever reason — whether it’s for maintenance or something else. In that case, your ad would be moved to another vehicle. Your Account Executive would communicate with you closely if this were to happen.

How Much Does Bus Advertising Cost?

The bus advertising prices below represent a rough estimate. Exact prices will depend on the factors listed above. When you work with Alluvit Media for your bus advertising campaign, you’ll receive a custom proposal with a number of different options at different price points so you can choose one that works best for you.

One-time production costs vary by market and type of display option(s) utilized. The costs listed below do not include product costs, which can add significantly to the final cost.

Bus Advertising TypeSmall Market (per month)Medium Market (per month)Large Market (per month)
Full Bus Wrap$4,000 – $7,000$8,000 – $15,000$15,000 – $30,000
Partial Bus Wrap$2,5000 – $4,000$3,000 – $6,000$6,000 – $12,000
King/Queen Posters$600 – $2,500$1,500 – $5,000$5,000 – $8,000
Tail Light Displays$600 – $2,500$1,500 – $4,500$3,000 – $7,500
Interior Bus Ads$500 – $1,500$1,000 – $2,500$2,000 – $4,000
  • Small Market: Typically refers to cities or regions with a population up to 1 million.
  • Medium Market: Typically refers to cities or regions with a population over 1 million.
  • Large Market: Typically refers to cities or regions with a population over 2 million.

Keep in mind that these cost estimates do not include production and installation costs, which can vary widely based on the complexity of the design and materials used.

Benefits of Advertising on Buses

Bus advertising offers several unique advantages that make it a valuable addition to your marketing strategy.

High Visibility & Wide Reach

Buses travel through busy streets and high-traffic areas, ensuring that your ad is seen by a large and diverse audience. The size and movement of buses make them hard to miss. The ads are viewed by audiences at street level and physically close by, making a large visual impact. For advertisements inside the bus, riders are likely to notice these ads regardless of how long their journey is.

Buses cover extensive routes, reaching different neighborhoods and demographics. This broad reach makes bus advertising effective for both local and regional campaigns.

Hypertargeting Capabilities

One of the highlights of bus advertising is the fact that you have concrete data on audience demographics. There are plenty of large-scale studies on commuter demographics. On a smaller scale, transportation authorities typically record rider information like race, gender, and socioeconomic status through means like surveys and census data.

Constant Exposure

Unlike stationary billboards, buses are constantly on the move. This mobility ensures that your ad is seen by a fresh audience throughout the day, increasing the frequency of impressions. Studies show that frequent exposure to an ad can solidify your message in consumers’ minds and increase brand recall

Similarly, complementing your bus advertising campaign with a solid search engine strategy has a synergistic effect. In other words, they can fuel each other. Research has shown that online searchers tend to select an option on the search result page (SERP) from a brand they recognize.


When compared to other forms of outdoor advertising, bus ads can offer a high return on investment. The variety of options allows you to choose a format that fits your budget and campaign goals.

Bus Advertising Campaign Example

A national outpatient addiction treatment and behavioral health provider, utilized system wide exterior bus advertisements for a street level OOH (out of home) media campaign on the Hampton Roads Transit with routes throughout the Hampton Roads region in Virginia (Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, VA Beach, Hampton and Newport News). 

Image via Alluvit Media

The larger size display ads on the side of two buses was Super King, measuring 18’2″ x 3’5.5″ made a higher impact as they circulated throughout Hampton Roads for 12-weeks. 

Launch Your Bus Ad Campaign With Us

Bus advertising is a powerful tool that can help you reach a wide audience with high-impact visuals. Whether you opt for a full bus wrap, partial wrap, or smaller ads, Alluvit Media is here to help ensure that your campaign is a success. Fill out our simple online form to connect with an Account Executive and receive a custom proposal.