Digital vs. Static Billboards

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Billboards come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You’re not limited to just the standard 14’x48’ static board you likely see the most along the highway (although it is an excellent option). While there are a variety of billboard sizes available in different markets, another major distinction is digital vs. static.

Trying to decide between digital and static for your upcoming billboard campaign? Keep in mind that options vary from market to market, but your billboard proposal can include a mix of digital and static placements if you indicate that you’re open to either option.

When you’re ready to book a billboard advertising campaign, consider these key differences between digital and static billboards to determine which best suits your needs and goals. 

Here’s what we’ll cover:

What is a Digital Billboard?

Digital billboards fall under the category of digital out-of-home (DOOH) media. They’re high-tech advertising displays that use LED technology to project multiple ads in a rotating sequence. 

Digital billboard for tire shop shown from close up with a freeway in the background.

An ad will appear for a certain duration in a set interval (e.g., for 8 seconds every 64 seconds) so advertisers may have the chance to purchase multiple spots in a rotation, increasing their ad’s exposure.

In some cases, advertisers can schedule real-time updates and incorporate interactive features. For instance, some advertisers have leveraged weather-triggered advertising to display contextually relevant messages based on current weather conditions. Contextual relevance can increase the likelihood that an ad will resonate with your target audience.

What is a Static Billboard?

Static billboards are the traditional, non-digital advertising boards that feature a single printed advertisement. An advertiser’s creative will be printed onto a UV-protected, water-resistant vinyl and then fixed onto the billboard panel. The advertisement remains in place for a set period, typically ranging from weeks to months. Once a campaign expires, the vinyl is removed and either recycled or can be claimed by the advertiser.

Static billboards are often seen alongside highways, in city centers, and in other high-traffic areas. While most are landscape-oriented, there are some portrait-oriented bulletins like the one seen below.

Static billboard vertically oriented of an egg brand

There are other billboard formats that don’t necessarily fall neatly into either category — tri-visions being one of them. A Trivision is a billboard that consists of vertical triangular prisms or slated faces. The prisms rotate 120⁰ at intermittent intervals to show a new advertisement.

Trivision billboard for a vet company

Digital vs. Static: Locations

When it comes to location, both digital and static billboards have their unique advantages. It’s worth noting that every market offers different options. Some areas may have exclusively static boards, others digital, and others (like Times Square billboards) will have a mix.

Digital billboards are often found in urban areas with high foot and vehicle traffic. They are found often in city centers, shopping malls, and busy intersections. Since digital billboard ads don’t need to be printed on vinyl and installed in order to go live, there is virtually no down time between one campaign’s end and another’s launch. 

Static billboards, on the other hand, are commonly placed along highways and rural roads where they can capture the attention of drivers over long periods. These locations are ideal for long-term brand messaging and can be highly effective in less densely populated areas.

Digital vs. Static Billboard Benefits

Both digital and static billboards offer the same benefits that make OOH advertising an excellent choice. Yet given their differences, they have distinct advantages as well. 

Advantages of Digital Billboards

  1. Dynamic Content: Ability to display multiple ads and update content in real-time.
  2. Higher Engagement: Interactive and eye-catching, often leading to higher viewer engagement.
  3. Flexibility: Easy to modify and tailor messages for different times of the day or specific events.
  4. All-day visibility: Digital boards are always illuminated whereas some static boards are not.

Advantages of Static Billboards

  1. Simplicity: Clear and straightforward, often more memorable due to prolonged exposure.
  2. Reliable: While digital billboard outages are rare, they can happen. Static advertisements remain 24/7.
  3. Consistency: Ideal for consistent brand messaging without frequent changes.

Digital vs. Static Billboard Prices

Billboard pricing is highly variable and depends on a number of factors including location, number of impressions, time of year, billboard size, and more. Longer-term contracts tend to secure better monthly rates. For example, a board that costs $1,500 for a 4-week booking can cost $1,100 per month for a year. 

Static Billboard Costs

Static billboard for roofing company along Hollywood Blvd

Prices can range from $1,600 to $3,200 per 4-week period for large format static boards outside of cities, Smaller boards like posters might cost between $1,000 to $1,600. In general, city center boards cost more due to their higher impression count — typically ranging from $3,000 to $6,000 per 4-week period.

Production cost is an additional cost associated with static boards. This refers to the cost of actually printing the vinyl and installing it on the frame. Alluvit Media offers a flat rate for static board product costs. This cost is never higher than $2.50 per square foot regardless of the market and board size.

Digital Billboard Costs

Because digital billboards are typically located in areas with high traffic, they tend to have higher average costs than static boards. Digital board prices can range anywhere from $2,000-$15,000 per 4-week period. Naturally, there are outliers as well (Times Square honorary mention again), which can get as high as six figures. 

If you’re wondering if it’s worth it, consider that billboards tend to have higher ROIs (returns on investment) and lower CPMs (cost per thousand impressions) than other advertising channels.

Wondering Which Option is Best for You?

You don’t have to navigate the billboard advertising landscape on your own. When you work with a reputable billboard company like Alluvit Media, you’re working with a team of experts who can provide guidance to help ensure the success of your campaign.

At the end of the day, the digital vs. static billboard question will come down to your budget, your goals, and your target area. Ready to launch your next billboard campaign? Fill out our short online form to get started.