Book La Grange Billboard Ad Space Today
Get StartedBelow are some recently updated billboard locations in La Grange and surrounding areas to help get you started. If you don't see a board you want, don't worry as this is a limited view of availability. Alluvit Media has access to every billboard in the city. Prices change daily based on availability.
Based on a cross-section of the 229 most popular boards, the average cost of a billboard in La Grange is $3,540.70 per 4-week period. This results in a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) of $2.91. The average La Grange billboard receives 1,217,819 monthly impressions.
Average cost per 1 thousand impressions (CPM) across all of our La Grange billboards.
Average cost per board for a 4-week billboard advertising campaign.*
Average number of impressions per board for 4-weeks.
Recently added billboard locations in La Grange.
*The average La Grange billboard costs above are estimates based on current market data. Actual prices can fluctuate due to location demand, billboard size, campaign duration, and other factors. For the most accurate and up-to-date billboard pricing, please contact us directly.
Renting a billboard in La Grange is similar to renting an apartment. Some are available right away, some are occupied for the next six months or a year.
Below are some campaigns we recently assisted with using billboards near La Grange, IL. We create campaigns large and small for a variety of different audiences and across all types of outdoor media.
"Hello, My name is Traci Slater and I am the Program Coordinator for a top-rated non-profit that has been supporting our Military Community since 2003, Operation Support Our Troops-America. Over the last 20 years, we have shipped over 2.3 million pounds of comfort and care items overseas to our deployed Troops in harm's way. We also offer support to families of the fallen and support programs to our Veterans. You can learn more about us at The reason for my inquiry today is that I'm writing to see if you would consider donating billboard space to our organization to advertise an upcoming event we have happening in LaGrange, Illinois in early September. This event is called the Field of Honor and it is an awe-inspiring tribute to honor the men and women currently serving in the military, veterans, first responders and frontline workers. Over 500 American Flags will be on display from September 3-11th at Denning Park in LaGrange, Il. Individuals can purchase a flag to honor and give thanks to these brave men and women and their families. At the end of this amazing event, they'll have the opportunity to pick up their flag or have it mailed to them. We hope that you'll consider helping us spread the word about this incredible event by donating billboard space to our non-profit organization. We would greatly appreciate your support here at Operation Support Our Troops-America. I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you. Traci Slater Program Coordinator 630-971-1150 Operation Support Our Troops-America"